Top 5 Movies Like Interstellar

You are settling in for the night, ready to look at a brilliant sci-fi movie. Suddenly you’re shipped into an epic adventure across the world. Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar pulls you into the vastness of space and the depths of the human soul. As you hurtle through wormholes with Cooper and discover new worlds with Dr. Brand, you feel your perspective expand.

There’s something magical about getting lost among the galaxies on the big screen. Movies like Interstellar let your imagination break free of Earth’s surly bonds. You yearn to slip the limits of time and gravity and understand the cosmos in all its glory. That childlike wonder and existential awe is why epics like Interstellar will always take us to infinity and beyond.

The Epic Scale and Visuals of Interstellar

Interstellar is an epic sci-fi film famous for its grand scale and jaw-dropping visuals. The Wormhole One of the first mind-bending scenes is travelling through the wormhole. The visuals of the twisting, warping tunnel of space and time are unlike anything seen before. You feel the enormity and mystery of intergalactic travel.

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  • Planetary Discoveries

Exploring new planets is a sense of adventure. From icy worlds to oceans of dust, each new world is more fantastical than the next. The scenes of the planets were actually filmed using real IMAX cameras for an ultra-realistic feel.

  • The Black Hole

Probably the most epic visual of all is entering the black hole. The special effects team created algorithms to render the look of worlds distorting and bending in mind-bending ways. The scale of the black hole and its destructive power are both frightening and strangely beautiful. Interstellar delivers that sense of the epic in spades.

The Thought-Provoking Themes and Philosophies in Interstellar

  • The Power of Love

A central theme is love transcending time and space. Despite being separated by dimensions, Cooper’s love for his daughter Murphy allows them to communicate. Their bond is so strong that it becomes a physical force in the universe, signalling to Cooper how he can save humanity. Love, the film suggests, is the most powerful thing we have.

  • Our Search for Purpose

We follow characters on a journey to find meaning and purpose. Cooper leaves his family behind to pilot an interstellar mission that could save humanity. Dr. Brand is driven by her father’s lifelong work to find humanity a new home. The film suggests our purpose is to sacrifice for the greater good of our species and help each other survive and thrive.

  • The Relativity of Time

A mind-bending aspect of Interstellar is how it plays with time. Due to time dilation effects from travelling at relativistic speeds and being in deep gravitational wells, time passes differently for characters. For Cooper, only a few years pass, while decades pass for Murphy. This highlights how time is relative and underscores how precious our connections are in the face of such a malleable dimension.

5 More Movies Like Interstellar


Gravity is a science fiction movie that will leave you feeling weightless. Set in outer Earth’s orbit, the story of this classic follows a medical engineer and an astronaut who struggle to survive after an accident leaving them adrift in space. The visuals are dazzling and the sense of isolation in the midst of the dangerous draining of space is palpable. If you liked the theme of extension and the heart-beating story of Interstellar, you’ll love Gravity.

The Martian

The Martian chronicles the survival tale of an astronaut stranded on Mars. Like Interstellar, it has a balance of scientific accuracy and emotion. Matt Damon stars as the fast-witted botanist Mark Watney, who needs to use his information, humour, and bravery to live long enough for a rescue mission. With proper doses of humour, humanity and edge-of-your-seat drama, The Martian is a must-see for any Interstellar fan.


Set in a post-apocalyptic future after an alien conflict has left Earth in ruins, Oblivion follows a robot repairman whose reality comes crashing down after going over a secretive woman in a case. Oblivion has idea-bending twists, questions what it means to be a human, and features beautiful and disastrous visuals. If you loved the philosophical theme and futuristic adaption of Interstellar, Oblivion should be your listing.


In the disaster epic Moonfall, a mysterious pressure knocks the moon from its orbit and sends it hurtling towards Earth. As the world braces for extinction, a ragtag group mounts a desperate mission into space to store humanity. Like Interstellar, Moonfall is an ambitious sci-fi thriller that balances heart-stopping action with thought-scary themes. If over-the-top disaster movies with epic scope are your match, Moonfall delivers.

First Man

First Man shows the existence of Neil Armstrong and the incredible space project that drove him to be the first human to land on the moon. Like Interstellar, a holding and moving film helps us to remember the shock and sacrifice of space exploration. Featuring Ryan Gosling as Armstrong, First Man is a biopic made with care, craft, and passion worthy of its problem-matter theme. A must-see for Interstellar fanatics and space buffs alike. Follow Gomovies for more!

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